A list of U-matic fans from around the world. Why not add your name to the list?

Name: Alan Barnett
Home page: http://www.alan.barnett.org
e-mail: alan@barnett.org
Favourite model(s): VO-5850

Just goes to show how superior the U-wrap systems are:)

Name: C. Fry
Home page:
e-mail: llp133@aol.com
Favourite model(s): all

Got mine used for 100 bucks, huge machine, damn good picture.

Name: Matt Rathney-Quinn
Home page: http://
e-mail: matt@tfgtv.freeserve.co.uk
Favourite model(s): 5&7 Series Sonys

Umatic is still a force to be reckoned with and an economical way for the serious amateur, student or pro to produce seriously good work at a minimal cost. You can be shooting excellent pictures for under £100! with NLE technology editing is even less of a problem that it ever was.

Name: Ron Hallis
Home page: http://
e-mail: halmedia@total.net
Favourite model(s): BVU-850

Those worried about the life of videotape take note, material I shot in 3/4 in 1984, 1985, 1986 is still in very good condition, few drops and only slight video level loss.

Name: Robin Whitehead
Home page: http://
e-mail: robin.w@zetnet.co.uk
Favourite model(s): BVU200,BVE500,BVU110,BVU50

Still use this kit for shooting and off line edit. Keeps working for ever! Could do with a TBC though. I've not seen any pictures of a BVU200/Bve500 on this site though. Am I the only person using them?

Name: soc hedditch
Home page: http://www.auswide-travel.com.au
e-mail: soc@diesel.net.au
Favourite model(s): sony

i am looking at a umatic vo-2630 and wondering if it would be as good as s-vhs for mastering on thanks

Name: Tom Mountford
Home page: http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/4868
e-mail: tmountford@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): BVU-800, 820, 850, 870

My dad's company used to use BVU-800s 13 years ago - now I want one!

Name: Klaus Esser
Home page: http://members.aol.com/kestudio
e-mail: kestudio@foni.net
Favourite model(s): VO 5850P/VO 5800/RM 440

Name: Steve Baxter
Home page: http://i.am/osaeris
e-mail: osaeris@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): All

I have 2 VO-5630's, and although I'm not all that great with them (see my chat page entries), together with NLE on my computer they are amazing. The picture and sound quality are unbelievable when you see how cheap it all is.

Name: Walter Steenvoorden
Home page: http://
e-mail: wsteenvoorden.ikegami@usa.net
Favourite model(s): BVU 950 all SP capable U matic machines

Local TV would be nowhere without surplus U-Matic machines, we have gone to Betacam but our sister station stil uses the BVU 950!

Name: Hans-Georg Lange
Home page:
e-mail: lhg@snafu.de
Favourite model(s): BVU800 and BVU860

Name: James Paterson
Home page: http://
e-mail: james_p20@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s): all of them!!!

would be interested in hearing from people who are interested in collecting old video cameras and equipment etc, feel free to e-mail me at the above adress

Name: Mike Stevens
Home page: http://www.qsl.net/STG
e-mail: SevernsideTV@tesco.net
Favourite model(s): SONY VO5850

Thank you for remembering the UMATIC format and providing us all with information on it....

Name: Andreas Boerschinger
Home page: http://
e-mail: boerschi@yahoo.de
Favourite model(s): VO 5850

Great pictures .... need to know much more about the connectors because i like to record from a computer animations and so on ... Who can send me some information or links ... ???

Name: Duncan Reid
Home page: http://www.sightunseen.co.uk
e-mail: dunc@sightunseen.co.uk
Favourite model(s): VO-6800

Nice site, pleased to have found a web resource for our workhorse VCRs! We use them for recording thermal imaging footage both on the ground & in the air. The coldest we've operated them at was -50C! Anyone beat that?

Name: Peter Benner
Home page: http://www.provid.co.nz
e-mail: pete@provid.co.nz
Favourite model(s): BVU800,BVU820P,BVE800,BVT810P

Great Machines just keep on going. Occasionally I have to dig deep for new parts, but they earn their keep !

Name: bob volchko
Home page:
e-mail: bobv@wfmj.com
Favourite model(s): type 5s

been editing with my type 5s with a dfs 500. Whata reliable workhorse system!

Name: Daniel Henry
Home page: http://www.moderne.org
e-mail: daniel@moderne.org
Favourite model(s):

I am looking for a cheap Sony VO5630. Anyone selling?

Name: Merijn van den Berg
Home page: http://www.mbtv.myweb.nl
e-mail: fantv@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s): BVU800

I'm from Holland. my favourite model is the BVU800P. I have one myself and i'm very proud of it! Just looking for another umatic BVU800. no, smashing in the river of umatic machines for me!

Name: Jesse Alonzo
Home page: http://www.geocities.com/latinopikachu/welcome_home.htm
e-mail: latinopikachu@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): Betamax SL-2000

hey! I want to know if I can connect a regular NTSC u matic machine to a regular NTSC tv (through the audio/video in ports or the cable port)

Name: agans ghost
Home page: http://
e-mail: agans.dire@worldonline.fr
Favourite model(s): VO6800

I'm searching the battery and the charger for a VO6800 and DXM3A camera.

Name: Jesse Alonzo
Home page: http://www.geocities.com/latinopikachu
e-mail: latinopikachu@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): Umatic 7000

*sigh!! I just got my first U-matic,a top-loading VO-1600. I was expecting it to be a front-loader with the light-up tape door,etc.....

Name: Mike Spooner
Home page:
e-mail: Spooner@gci.net
Favourite model(s): VO-5850/rm-450/dxc327/evv-8000

I have Always used a VO-5850 for everything i do and have NEVER had trouble.. of all the LB machines i consider it the BEST!

Name: Richard Reynolds
Home page: http://www.rtvsltd.fsnet.co.uk
e-mail: richard@rtvsltd.fsnet.co.uk
Favourite model(s): BVU950

Best composite system ever. Especially in SP mode.

Name: Ivan Noke
Home page: http://www.dodosegg.org
e-mail: ivannoke@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s): DXC3000.....BVU800p....

Whoever started this site get's a big thanks from me.....

Name: Jaap Rieuwerts
Home page: http://
e-mail: jaapjr@chello.nl
Favourite model(s): vo5850 bvu850

The best tapeformat for me. I'm a collector of music-videoclips, and I share my archive with professional broadcasters. U-matic is still a broadcast standard for obsolete hard to find video material, and more accepted than S-VHS.

Home page: http://
Favourite model(s): BVU 820 BVU 150P PANASONIC 9600


Name: Oliver Giem
Home page: http://www.ags.tu-bs.de
e-mail: oliver@giem.de
Favourite model(s): Sony BVU-800P

Hi! Has anyone ever connected this device to a Fast Moviemachine?

Name: D. Clevinger
Home page: http://www.geocities.com/shaded_dog/tech1home.htm
e-mail: ebay76@bigfoot.com
Favourite model(s): Sony 5850/ Series 5/7/9 U-matic machines - I just wanted to see how many charcaters can be inputed into this field, looks like quite a few so I will just keep typing until I am not allowed to type in any more text, when will this be? Dunno, looks like it will hold much more than I expected it to. Ya know that is one of my grips about eBay, you can

I Promise that I do not go into lenghty rants like the above on my Website. It is not finished yet though. Still under construction, and probably always will be!! Thanks for the format, Sony. Thanks for the Forum, U-dudes.

Name: Dimitrios Papadopoulos
Home page: http://www.GreekRadio.net
e-mail: dimitrios@papadopoulos.ca
Favourite model(s): VO-8800, VO-9850, BVU-950, VP-7020

Our TV broadcast production company is amon newer and older formats, is still using U-matic SP. I can hear the U-matic VTRs saying: - We've been around for more than a quarter of a ceintury. WE RUFUSE TO RETIRE, WE REFUSE TO DIE! We are here to stay

Name: Bruce Mann
Home page: http://
e-mail: bruce@conknet.com
Favourite model(s): VO-5850 & VO-5800

Just picked up a used well cared for system consisting of the VO-5850, VO-5800 and RM-440. It's been 10 years since I last used them and it's like learning to ride a bike once you learn, you don't forget. Could get lost for hours!!!

Name: Roland Pickett
Home page: http://www.u-matic.com
e-mail: rpe@sitesource.co.uk
Favourite model(s): The girls from the Playboy Club

This is an extremely good resource for U-matic users. Personally I can supply new spares for the older u-matics: BVU 200,110,50 etc., both Pal & NTSC. I also buy and sell used pro video equipment.

Name: Gregory Vlahos
Home page: http://
e-mail: GAV2YOU@aol.com
Favourite model(s): 5850, 5800, 6800, 5000

Fun to toy around with!!! Can't beat the cost of the units, the picture quality (for the dollar!), and the experience you can gain with these units. I use BetaCam SP at work, but for at home, the machines behave relatively the same. Gives me a definite edge, having many more hours of experience in editing. Also, a hell of a lot of fun doing remo

Name: pete 'Gas'
Home page: http://members.nbci.com/gaspete/electronics
e-mail: petegas@rettyhorses.net
Favourite model(s): (mine.. er, the 5650.. 5850 - that might change if I get some of the others going !)

Umatic - iss goood - innit ! I like these a lot - remember how gorgeous and high tech they looked, back in the day, and always wanted to get acquinted with their systems and servos and guts - (and now I can - as long as i get to the dumpster or skip quick enough !) these days I try not to touch *domestic* videos (except when I put a tape in mine

Name: Sascha Stradtmann
Home page: http://
e-mail: stradtmann@sabangermany.de
Favourite model(s): VO-2630, VO5630, BVU800

Hi there! When I started to make videos as a teenager in the late 1980's, U-Matic was still the number one standard for Broadcast and industrial video making. Thus I was very fascinated by the technology and dearly wished for my own Umatic -Equipment. I remember that our local video club had a discarded Panasonic NV-9500 which they no longer us

Name: Frans Lupschen
Home page: http://dreamcastle.subdomain.tv/
e-mail: icr@wanadoo.nl
Favourite model(s): BVU-800P and 9 ser.

Well since I can't work on the puter (eye problem), I have to stick with U-Matics, but I do like the work, write me...

Name: Angie Heeren
Home page: http://www.dreamcastle.subdomain.tv.bluefire/
e-mail: trueangel@tiscali.nl
Favourite model(s): (HI) the BVU-800P Set and 9 Series (HI/SP) (Low) the VO-5850P Set

Old but still extreme good machines, like DCC as reference.

Name: Bill B
Home page: http://
e-mail: laserlvl@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s): 5800/5850 '57 Chrysler 300

Does anyone have info on the Hi-Band mod for 5800/5850? Great to see a site dedicated to this format.

Name: Nicola Kirkpatrick
Home page: http://
e-mail: kirkpatrick.n@lycos.com
Favourite model(s):

I have a Umatic VO-5850P and a VO-5800PS for sale, also a JVC Battery Charger AA-P47E plus 2 batteries, a JVC Portable Video Cassette Recorder CR-4900E, a Sony DXC-M3 camera and approx 50 used Umatic cassettes. Everthing has been recently serviced, batteries aren't great though. Can't find the Edit controller at the minute but no doubt it will tu

Name: Klaus Esser
Home page: http://www.klaus-esser.de
e-mail: kestudio@foni.net
Favourite model(s): VO5800/VO5850P

fine site, most informative and easy to use Greetings from Duesseldorf/Germany

Name: Brian Nicholson
Home page: http://
e-mail: b.nicholson@blackburn.ac.uk
Favourite model(s): Series 5 and 9

I work in education and I ve been using the Series 5 machines since 1983 - they still work! Most of our archive, which includes a local TV channel, is UMatic based. SVHS promised the world - it was crud from day one. We ll keep them going (we ve got four three machine edit suites using Series 9) for as long as possible. We find them excellent to us

Name: Dirk Rosenbaum
Home page: http://
e-mail: Dirk.Rosenbaum@GECITS-EU.COM
Favourite model(s): VO-5800 VO-5850

Hello, i'm looking for a wiring diagram of interconnection cables between VO-5850, VO-5800 and RM440 . Can anyone help ???

Name: Roloff de Jeu
Home page: http://roloff.tv
e-mail: drdeleto@dds.nl
Favourite model(s): The Ole' Toploader

Out of pure boreance I went online to see if there were any sites dedicated to U-matic, and stumbled upon this! i work at a post-production facility where we still make tons of U-Matics a month for all the commercial and ad agencies, because they won't upgrade to a system from the last decade(s). I believe the world would be better off if they used

Name: murat Esendag
Home page: http://
e-mail: masteradv3@superonline.com
Favourite model(s):

we want to sell our u -matic equipments..sony.dxc3000Pk camera,sony bvu150 portable rec with tc.,sachtler 14 tripod and dolly,optex 7.5 wide angle,sony lo23 remote zoom contr,sony dme-450 digital effect, sony VO 985o with TC,and sony VO-9800 with TC,Sony BVE-600 editing, echolab dv ,Sony pvm 1320 monitor,VIP SPG,sonyecm -55 mic,3 x sony PVM 1442

Name: Thomas King
Home page:
e-mail: king_family055@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s):

Got a VO-1810UK. any good? I don't know.. SCREEEEM! the cassette loader is jammed shut / LOCKED so I can't try it out. HELP!..ANY IDEAS? no manual too.

Home page: http://
e-mail: mracwilson@onetel.net.uk
Favourite model(s): panasonic 9240&9600+sony5800series

I am very anxious to find some operating instructions and data on my immaculate Panasonic NV-A960 edit suite and U-matic machines.

Name: Graham Hall
Home page: http://
e-mail: nogsy1@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s):

Just bought a VO9600P and got a couple of VO8800 portables-not had much chance to use them yet-have 2 M3A cameras so hoping the results should be okay.

Name: Jon Vavera
Home page: http://
e-mail: jonniev79@att.net
Favourite model(s):

I just got the U-matic bug!! I'm start my own video business and can't afford the high prices of the DV equipment.So if you are looking to dump your equipment with modest prices email me. I have a Panasonic AG-A800 Editing Controller that I'm looking for the AG-SW800 AV switcher if you have any other stuff please let me know and let see what we ca

Name: gerard fern
Home page: http://
e-mail: openwww@aol.com
Favourite model(s):

Name: Shane Oakley
Home page: http://
e-mail: moosh101@paradise.net.nz
Favourite model(s): Sony VO-9850P & VP-9000

Recently discovered U-Matics & love em. Great to see so many others into the format too! Many thanks

Name: Roy Davies
Home page: http://nuttersitdown.myfriendsreunited.com
e-mail: roy.daviesjr@btopenworld.com
Favourite model(s): SONY 5800/5850/9850/BVU950 X2/BVU150/SONYCAMERA/M3A.

Hi.thought ones been on the site long enough.so one thought i should tell the world U-matic BVU/VO is a alive and well here.enjoy reading your e-mails on here and found this site interesting,any info on the Bvu 150 and parts and manuals would be helpful.but i keep my eyes open on the site for more info on the others.ROY

Name: Mike Lorenzo
Home page: http://
e-mail: arenacom1@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): VO-5800 Sony

Looking for manuals

Home page: http://www.jvsvisual.com
e-mail: johnjvsvisual@aol.com
Favourite model(s): VO6800, 8800,BVU440, 150, 5800, 5850,ETC

At JVS we service U-matics betacam digibeta DVcam I have worked on them all do you have a service problem? then give me a call we are here to help you not like them all.

Name: Yitzhak Rosenbloom
Home page:
e-mail: syrose@netvision.net.il
Favourite model(s): High/Low Band Umatic Pal editing

Name: Pat Horridge
Home page: http://www.vet.co.uk
e-mail: pat-list@horridge.demon.co.uk
Favourite model(s): Series 5 and series 9

Used to be sony authorised repair center and did many hundreds (if not thousands) of services on servies 5, 7, 9 as well as BVUs and Betacams.

Name: Keith Hannaby
Home page: http://www.mathshelp.com
e-mail: keith.hannaby@mathshelp.com
Favourite model(s): Circa 1990 Hi-band/Lo-band Recorder/Player

I am looking for a replacement for my old Sony Hi/Lo band recorder/player that I bought new about 1990 and then sold when BetaCam became popular. It must play perfectly: 90 minute SP Hi-band tapes that I hope are still OK in my storage. Can anyone help, please? Keith

Name: Ryan Schweitzer
Home page: http://
e-mail: rds@bis.SPAMISBETTERASAMEATmidco.net
Favourite model(s): VO-5850, BVU-800

Awesome site, I just picked up an old top-loading VO-2610 today for $20 USD, hoping it works well (haven't tried it out yet)...

Name: Derek Wheeler
Home page: http://
e-mail: derek.wheeler@platform11.org
Favourite model(s): BVU 800

In 1989, I first trained in video editing on a u-matic suite (lowband). Quickly moved up to Hi-band and the mickey controlled suite. Anyone remember that? In Ireland, colleges were flooded with u-matics in the late 80s due the the national channels beta sp upgrade. I own a BVU 800P. Have worked it well on corporates and music videos. Still in pri

Name: Maciek Szymañski
Home page: http://
e-mail: ms@sdf-eu.NO_SPAM.org
Favourite model(s): Haven't decided yet

I've just received my first U-Matic - the VO-4800 portable and I'm really amazed with the picture quality. Simple, durable design, wide fast windig tape to increase pure analogue signal/noise ratio - just what I expect of VTR. Now waiting for two JVC KY-1900E to complete my field recording suite...

Name: Andy Humphreys
Home page: http://
e-mail: andyhumphreys@talktalk.net
Favourite model(s): VO 5850

I have a VO5800 and a VO5850. Neither used in many years but now neither machine will pick up the tape to wrap it around the drum. Any thoughts anyone?

Name: David Corcoran
Home page: L.A.U.S.A.
e-mail: Babytycoon04@aol.com
Favourite model(s): Blonds.......

HELP.....Need free download of manual for VP-9000,Sony.....Thank You,As Always,David

Name: aldo aaa
Home page: http://
e-mail: aldo@libero.it
Favourite model(s):

how I can clean up tapes 3/4?

Name: iiiii iiiiiii
Home page: http://yyyyyyyyyt.com
e-mail: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii@libero.it
Favourite model(s): umatic

how I can clean up tapes 3/4?

Name: mick clark
Home page: http://
e-mail: micks45rpms@msn.com
Favourite model(s): VO5800PS

anyone help, tapes used playback perfect, new record-good sound but snowy picture, is definitely not dirty head!, if the heads had gone, it wouldn't play my original tapes would it???

Name: Angelo Amoroso d'Aragona
Home page: http://www.recidivi.it
e-mail: amorosoangelo@libero.it
Favourite model(s): serie 9000 della Sony

Ho un vasto archivio di videocassette 3/4 di pollice U/Matic sia Low Band sia High Band. Circa 1000 cassette da revisionare e nel caso acquisire in digitale. Cerco usato per fare da lettore, magari abbinandolo a TBC se necessario.

Name: mardi Shakr
Home page: http://
e-mail: mardi4shakr@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): tyra banks

i am a Girl of 18 years and i am looking for pal from UH US AND AU

Name: Richard Chester
Home page: http://
e-mail: Ritch_Chest@my-box.de
Favourite model(s): BVU 870p, VO-8800p, VO-9850p, BVU-950p, DC-537p, DXC-327p

Great to Work with U-MaticSP, still the best Colour Under Video System. Only Sony SP U-Matic´s NLE Editing has be done on a Avid Symphonie Media Composer. Great Pictures!

Name: arya vir arya
Home page: http://
e-mail: shashifilms_rinku@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): vo-8800 hi-band

still using and now opened a film & tv institute in chandigarh.i want more u-matic equipments & manuals and literature

Name: antonio luciani
Home page: http://
e-mail: antonio.luciani.16uk@alice.it
Favourite model(s): sony vo5850/vo5800

May i have the pinout connection of the DUB cable for Sony VO 5850? (schematic ) Many thanks.

Name: danny dan
Home page:
e-mail: dannyr@ccfrmail.org
Favourite model(s): vo6800

Name: Charles Mapleston
Home page: http://www.malachite.co.uk
e-mail: charles@malachite.co.uk
Favourite model(s): Sony 9000P

I want to convert the U-matic DUB output to S-video - any ideas, please?

Name: John B.
Home page: http://
e-mail: raidermiracles@sbcglobal.net
Favourite model(s):

Hello. Can anyone help me locate in any format, UMatic, Beta, Cartrivision, etc. or point me in the right direction to anyone who may have 1970s sports recordings preferrable NFL available for either trade(I have over 4800 items of high quality to offer) or for purchase? Thanks to any and all who can help me. John in Ohio

Name: Jerry Puckett
Home page: http://
e-mail: jerrypuckett@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): VO-5850

I am here in the USA and still love the U-matic system, However as far as quality I also have two BR-S811 S-VHS decks from JVC, I am planning to produce a documentary. I am puzzled which system should I use.....U-matic on VO-5850 or the S-VHS?

Name: Saul Carassale
Home page: http://colpoditosse.weebly.com/index.html
e-mail: colpoditosse@yahoo.it
Favourite model(s): VO-5850P /BVU-950P

Name: mike viney
Home page: http://
e-mail: mikeyq309@yahoo.co.uk
Favourite model(s): sony VO9550

Hi just bought my first umatic, hope to get good quality recordings from my Sony camcorders, just gotta figure out how to do it!!

Name: Hussain Shuhad
Home page: http://www.tvm.gov.mv
e-mail: hussain.shuhad@tvm.gov.mv
Favourite model(s):

Name: Simon Rowe
Home page:
e-mail: simon@caislean.co.uk
Favourite model(s): BVU-800P, VO-5800PS

I'm having a very hard time finding parts now!! :(

Name: Alireza Khallaghi
Home page: http://
e-mail: alireza_khallaghi_60@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): u-matic vo-5800

I need to total Schematic diagram of umatic vo-5800

Name: Ben Wemyss
Home page: http://
e-mail: ben.wemyss@weemsworldtech.com.au
Favourite model(s):

Name: Wolfram Van Rompaey
Home page: http://
e-mail: wvr@alice-dsl.net
Favourite model(s): BVU 200 and 800 series

I'an got an BVU 820 that have some probs :-( Is there anybody out there who have A meantanence manual as well A users manual as A PDF File or real paperware it may help me. I was recently looking for this manuals at Sony Broadcast webside, but I doesen't find this dokument's while they doesen't support it. It's verry lovely if anyone else can he

Name: john davison
Home page: http://
e-mail: oortcloud@ntlworld.com
Favourite model(s): BVU-800 BVU-850 BVU-870 BVU-950

Does any one know where I could but a good editing recorder of these models system must be pal, any help appreciated

Name: Barry Marsh
Home page: http://
e-mail: westmar1@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): sony VO8800P,Dxc Cameras,JVCPR900E.

Umatic Is a great format the tapes just go on and on.

Name: Mike Coll
Home page: http://
e-mail: collski@bellsouth.net
Favourite model(s): Sony

Name: rohan tully
Home page: http://
e-mail: info@brunswickfilms.com
Favourite model(s): bvu 110

would like to buy one

Name: Tony Curley
Home page: http://
e-mail: anthonycurley@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s):

Name: Frazer Ash
Home page: http://www.bufvc.ac.uk
e-mail: frazer@bufvc.ac.uk
Favourite model(s): VP-5040, VP-5630, BVU-800P, BVU-950P

I'm desperately trying to track down replacement heads for lo band/hi band machines. DESPERATELY, I say! Anyone able to help is a god!

Name: Amir Speck Habibi
Home page: http://www.freewebs.com/amirre
e-mail: speck76starfire@gmail.com
Favourite model(s):

I luv U-matic video!

Name: Nick Fenwick
Home page: http://
e-mail: nickfenwick@yahoo.co.uk
Favourite model(s): BVU 950 SP

Have been using umatics since 1986, started with Low band portable, then went to BVU110 which I used for doing broadcast work on in the Alps. Just purchased BVU 950sp to transfer all the BVU tapes I still have from the 80's. Unfortunately it arrived not working properly (Transport problem showing error 01)- Looking for help

Name: robert walton
Home page: http://
e-mail: robert.g.walton@us.army.mil
Favourite model(s): none

I have recently came across a sony u-matic professional bvu-200a i am trying to get rid of it and its in great shape can anyone tell me what its worth.and where i can sell it.you can also call me at 404 422 1677

Name: john k
Home page: http://
e-mail: johnk2001@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s): ??-????

Name: tarik iqbul
Home page: http://
e-mail: chris@supercontext.com
Favourite model(s): vo-5800

bought two of the vo-5800 pal machines off e-bay, had to go 40 miles to pick them up, what a size, what a weight, was it worth it? damn straight it was, where else could you pick up two of these monsters for 4.99 well impressed with the picture and sound.

Name: Mark Naylor
Home page: http://
e-mail: Marklireth@googlemail.co.uk
Favourite model(s): all

retrieved a load of equipment of a skip, great quality

Name: Asa Castleman
Home page: http://
e-mail: asalcastleman@mac.com
Favourite model(s): VO5850 & VO2850

I lost my machines in a fire, have since located used but cannot find cables to use them, either one. I have some info on old tapes that I wish to transfer to computer so need is to connect to a Sony DCR TRV480 NTSC, any suggestions???

Name: Jethro Wright
Home page: http://www.doxa.co.za
e-mail: jethro@doxa.co.za
Favourite model(s): Umatic SP BVU-950P

Hi, I'm working on setting up a tape to data archive system from Umatic and various other redundant formats. It's great to see a site so rich with enthusiasm and info on this format. what a relief! Thanks Guys

Name: Geoge Breidenbach
Home page: http://
e-mail: gaiaman@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): Sony BVU-800's, 900's, Ikigami 77, 79, 95

Shot a lot in the 80's and now want to digitize the masters. Have a Primage TBC with a Y-688 in, and Component out. Going in to a Decklink Extreme SD card, in a Hackintosh. Not set up yet, but should be soon

Name: harry achatz
Home page: http://
e-mail: dalekmoore2007@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): National nv-9200

i got mu umatic from the local dump shed for 10 dollars ! does any one know the age of my vcr ? please email...it needs a little repair as it eats tapes on eject

Name: Joe B
Home page: http://
e-mail: pagawan@pacbell.net
Favourite model(s): VO-9600

Hello To All U-Matic Fans Worldwide, I am looking for a Sony VO-9600 Service, Schematics, or Operation Manual. Can anyone help or email one to me or point me in the right direction. Thanks, I'd greatly appreciate it!!! Joe B.

Name: Matthew Hickman
Home page: http://
e-mail: faciabish@yahoo.co.uk
Favourite model(s): VO-5800 VO-5850 & BVU150

One has acquired these machines to be used with my DXC-3000p Sony Camera. They do give fundimentally awesome picture and i am sure if you know how to use the functions editing also. Ps if anybody can give some info on how to edit tapes whilst filming- would be grateful. The BVU150 is a beautiful piece of machinery that daintilly spins the tape round

Name: john Till
Home page:
e-mail: john1950@optusnet.com.au
Favourite model(s): VO-5630

I have a VO-5630 and looking for a patch cable to get s-video from the umatic's 7 pin locking 'dub' connector to a standard s-video input on a dvd-recorder... Can anyone help? Thanks.. John

Name: kevin Garwood
Home page:
e-mail: vich_2001@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): VO-9800 /VO-5600

These machines are great to work with. The real problem is that here i am its difficult to get parts and training for their proper maintenance and repair. Hoping to get some tips from the pros here.

Name: Michael Millnitz
Home page: http://
e-mail: amd3012@alice-dsl.net
Favourite model(s): Sony VP-5040

Name: Rick malstien
Home page: http://www.ismichaeljacksondead.info
e-mail: kjame101@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): BVU-950

Why can't I mod my 950 to play low band :)

Name: Lesage Eric
Home page: http://
e-mail: eric.lesage@memnon.be
Favourite model(s):

Name: George Brown
Home page: http://
e-mail: usacalgeo@live.com
Favourite model(s): VO umatic SP (9850)

I have a VO umatic SP (9850) for sale, anyone want to make an offer?, excellent condition, ready for rackmounted.

Name: Jim Johnson
Home page: http://
e-mail: jimj@kdlh.com
Favourite model(s):

need schematic for vp 7020

Name: Patrick Gregston
Home page: http://pooforpropaganda.com
e-mail: pgregston@cox.net
Favourite model(s): 9850

just using it to dub to digital formats from old tapes.

Name: Jamie Bank
Home page: http://
e-mail: j.bank@quicknet.nl
Favourite model(s): VO-9800 and VO-9850

Perfect machines for daily use. Perfect picture and sound. Perfect for making low budget films. For me there is no other system than U-Matic. I only wish there were tape's longer than 75 minutes.

Name: Graham Hardy
Home page: http://
e-mail: oldbillgoggles@googlemail.com
Favourite model(s):

I have some Umatic equipment for sale. It is all from a three machine edit suite - although it has been dismantled I think everything is there. Includes 3 sony umatic decks - VO-5850P VO-5630 VO-5800PS, controllers, switchers etc. I also have some JVC cameras available and other bits and pieces. I can email a full list if anyone is interested.

Name: Tony James
Home page: http://
e-mail: re-media@fsmail.net
Favourite model(s): All old betamax V2000 and VHS

Ive a U-matic NV-9200 its not winding the tape round the head it does everything else ffwd rw etc is there a belt thats possibly snapped underneath this big old bugger. I aquired an ex duplicating plant here in the UK called World of Video 2000 and some good old gear as well as hundreds of masters on tape,umatic, betacam and others two umatics and

Name: Tony James
Home page: http://
e-mail: re-media@fsmail.net
Favourite model(s): All old betamax V2000 and VHS

one is just fuzzy picture it was black and white to start with but is now all hazy and this one is as mentioned. Can anyone help me I need a worker to get started transferriing. I got 2 V2000's goin but this has me beat. Any repair people in the uk? Or should I buy a new one?

Name: Michael Costello
Home page: http://www.videbus.com.au
e-mail: michcos@videbus.com.au
Favourite model(s): Umatic SP decks

Hi All, I learned to edit using the good old Umatic format, and sometimes wish there were editing HDV/DV decks that work the same way! I really want to find a PAL Umatic SP deck for transfers of old material. If you know of one for sale near Melbourne, Australia please let me know. I have most other Sony formats, so need Umatic SP to complete my

Name: Tony James
Home page: http://
e-mail: re-media@fsmail.net
Favourite model(s):

Ok new question for those who may know How or where can I get hold of a 1 reel to reel transfer machine. Ive aquired around 200 of these 1 type C masters and would either like to transfer them or get them transferred. I'm still going through machinery too yet so may come across something yet any help would be great.

Name: arabella hutter
Home page: arabellahutter.com
e-mail: arablabla@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s):

I'm not particularly a U-matic fan... But I have a tape dating from the 80s or 90s, in low band PAL U-matic. Can someone recommend a good place for (or do) a digital copy? It's about 15 min long. Thanks!

Name: den perryman
Home page: http://
e-mail: g7nmaden@btinternet.co.uk
Favourite model(s): 9800s

hi i have two machines they both are requiring spare can you advise me please

Name: den perryman
Home page: http://
e-mail: g7nmaden@btinternet.com
Favourite model(s): 9800s

Hi im looking for spares for my sony umatic video machine model number 9800s can you advise where i might obtain these many thanks

Name: Rob Lord
Home page: http://www.roblord.com
e-mail: rob@stylophonic.tv
Favourite model(s): Sony Vo 5850p

I have a Sony Vo 5850p plus matching RM 440 edit controller for sale. South London. Offers please! Posted November 09 - sorry U-Matic chat page link not working so had to post this here.

Name: Titus V
Home page: http://
e-mail: tvmavimbela@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s): bvu 950

Name: Gabor Benyovszky
Home page: http://www.hiradastechnika.eu
e-mail: gbenyov@t-email.hu
Favourite model(s): UmaticH BVU-800S

I have a BVU-800S OPERATION AND MAINTANENCE MANUAL 3rd Edition (Revised 11) Serial No. 10081 and Higher 3-672-920-33. This book good looking, endpage number is:18-76, full complete. Oparetion,Installation, Printed circuit boards, schematics diagrams,and so on. For Sale. Who want buy? Please send me a offer in email:gbenyov@t-email.hu Budapest, Hun

Name: Mark Morgenstern
Home page: http://ewola.ca
e-mail: mark@ewola.ca
Favourite model(s): BVU200

Name: bert giannini
Home page: http://
e-mail: umberto@giannini.co.uk
Favourite model(s): VO9800P

I have a 9800P for sale in great condition if anyone's interested and a couple of original Sony Service Manuals for the VO5630 & VO5850P

Name: Paul Smyth
Home page: http://www.youtube.com/2073productions
e-mail: realconcept@hotmail.co.uk
Favourite model(s): sony vo 5850

Name: Dick Wilson
Home page: http://www.Dilette.Com
e-mail: radwilson@cox.net
Favourite model(s): VO-5850 VO-9850 BVU-2500

I am a retailer that gets my stock from the US Government. Mostly NTSC but an occasional PAL deck. We have about 20 decks in stock at very reasonable prices. Arizona 85246 USA

Name: Wolfram van Rompaey
Home page: http://
e-mail: wvr@alice-dsl.net
Favourite model(s): BVU-800 and VO-5000 Series

Hi, I am looking after A Pair of sitepanels and feets for my BVU 820 while this parts are missing on my Mashine. Is somebody out there who having this parts somewhere in the Basement?? If yes, please drop me A line!

Name: Paul Hattersley
Home page: http://www.jacksonsmedicalauctions.co.uk
e-mail: paul@jacksonsmedicalauctions.co.uk
Favourite model(s): V0-5630

Hey guys, don't know if it is of any interest to anyone but we are a medical auction company and we dispose of the old NHS stock for them, in amongst the items we received was a SONY U-MATIC VO-5630. I wasn't aware these systems had a following until I stumbled across your website. The unit has one or two switches missing and probably would onl

Name: nageswara sivalenka
Home page: http://
e-mail: powerdeveloppower@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): sony vo-5850 u-matic

I have been using the 5 series from '70s. Today I picked up a vo-5850p I have about 100 tapes.I am not sure what is on the tapes. I bought the sony to find out. I am not a pro user. I have various equpt. from windup gramaphone that plays 78 rpm to sony DAT, marantz DASH,etc. now I need to get hold of user/service manual for the vo-5850p.can any

Name: Gunnar Fauskanger
Home page: http://
e-mail: gunnar.fauskanger@signo.no
Favourite model(s): Umatic JVC PR 900 E

Noen som har service manual til denne ?

Name: carlos dias
Home page: http://
e-mail: charlmoraes@yahoo.com.br
Favourite model(s): Sony VO series

hi, I´m a lover of video files in many formats, I work in a TV station in my city, and I just got a Umatic Videocassette Advice from my job like donation, it´s work good, but I want to know more things about it, thanx....

Name: anthony wilson
Home page: http://
e-mail: mracwilson@onetel.com
Favourite model(s): 5630 & 9000

I am a long term u-matic user with a library of material which I have shot over the past 25 years.

Name: astro man
Home page: http://
e-mail: astro1_star@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s):

Name: jean charconnet
Home page: http://
e-mail: bkk.seguedin@yahoo.fr
Favourite model(s): bvu 200

have a bunch of BVU 200 pal and secam, BVE 500 and wires and other umatic, for sale Cheap price, located in paris france

Name: John Akers
Home page: http://
e-mail: jwakers23@verizon.net
Favourite model(s): VO-5600

I need to download a User Guide for the Sony VO-5600....Does anyone have a copy they would be willing to allow me to download? Or can you tell me where I can get a FREE copy of this manual? Thanks

Name: jasper jacobson
Home page: http://
e-mail: jasperjacobson3@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s):

Name: Charles Bernowich
Home page: http://
e-mail: CharlesBernowich@msn.com
Favourite model(s): Sony u-matic VO-8800 & DXC-3000A

Great Equipment! I am selling a complete setup. Less than 100 hours. Everything, mics, CMA-8, Bogen 3068 tripod, monitor, custom cables and more. My wife will kill me if she finds out.... it's hers.

Name: samuel olalude
Home page: http://
e-mail: saolalude@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): vo9800p

Name: John Thompson
Home page:
e-mail: johnjackthom@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): BVU-800P

Had this fantastic machine for several years, sadly it's now in need of some repair work. I have a PDF of the US service manual which is fine for most things, but if anyone has the BVU-800P (Pal) manual I'd really appreciate some scans of several relevant pages.

Home page: http://
e-mail: anilllal@live.co.uk
Favourite model(s): portable 8800

filmed my wedding with but cannot find power adaptor for to convert it to modern format( dvd etc)

Name: Tomislav Mikulic
Home page: http://tomislavmikulic.com/sony-u-matic-vo-2630.html
e-mail: tom@palsite.com
Favourite model(s): VO-1810 and VO-2630

VO-2630 is absolutely the king of all models. Tri-standard, player and recorder. Most of the early video art was created with it. Need a free manual? Check my site: http://tomislavmikulic.com/sony-u-matic-vo-2630.html

Name: Kevin Mildenhall
Home page: http://
e-mail: kjmildenhall@gmail.com
Favourite model(s):

I have a Sony VO-5630,JVC-CR4700 porta pack,Sony DXC-1640 Camera all as New,5hrs use 5630 / 15hrs CR4700 / 2hrs DXC-1640 apox 50 KCA-60 Tapes used once,12 Brand New. 10 Brand New KCS-20BRK Tapes,19 Inch rack mount 240v New Camera control unit for DXC-1640, All FREE TO A GOOD HOME, They are in Australia, if interested email me, Thanks Kevin

Name: Tom Mikulic
Home page: http://tomislavmikulic.com/sony-u-matic-vo-2630.html
e-mail: user33@hrdesignstudio.com
Favourite model(s): VO-2630, VO-1810, any U-matic

Hi Kevin, Thank you heaps for your kind offer and a quick reply. Your babies will get extremely good care at new home and you will see them on my web site. Cheers, Tom

Name: Zdenek Houska
Home page: http://historicka.ic.cz
e-mail: zdenek.houska@post.cz
Favourite model(s): BVU-850P

I like to repair old VTRs

Name: John Wheble
Home page: http://
e-mail: smileclick@btinternet.com
Favourite model(s): all

Hi, having now sold all my equipment I have a couple of user operating manuals that might be of use to someone.They are for Sony VO-8800P , JVC remote control unit RS-200 and a photocopy manual Hitachi FP-C1 portable camera. Free just need postage covered Cheers JW

Home page: http://
e-mail: mathurarvind18@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): sony umatic 8800


Name: den perryman
Home page: http://
e-mail: g7nmaden@btinternet.com
Favourite model(s):

Name: david zimmer
Home page: http://
e-mail: davidz_22@mac.com
Favourite model(s): sony vtr 5000

novice looking for info

Name: stephan scharf
Home page: http://www.mediasync.de
e-mail: videografie@gmx.de
Favourite model(s): SONY all U-matic models

I found a solution to convert U-DUB to S-Video by using SONY VO-9600: open top cover, so you are looking directly at board VO-17 (Y REC/PB/Y-C Separator). Connect TP11 (is labeled as TP11) directly to s-video/luminance. Connect Connector CN113/pin6 (labeled as CN113) directly to s-video/chrominance. I use 8pin TV-Connector by cutting pins 1+4 f

Name: James Zampathas
Home page:
e-mail: virtual@hawaiiantel.net
Favourite model(s): Sony VO 5600 repair

Not rewinding or fast forwarding, plays fine

Name: Rodney Mead
Home page: http://
e-mail: meadrod@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): my collection

hello to everyone i need your help with my collection you wont be-leave what i have my dad work at CBS and NBC in 1969-1996 we want to sell them all of them

Home page: http://
e-mail: tonyrichardson@ntlworld.com
Favourite model(s): 5850 etc

Have a complete studio set-up packed in cases in the garage and all in good working order.Also an Ikigami full studio camera and control desk with remote cables on massive dolly. Edit suite with control desk and four studio play back machines with autoplay/rewind.Anybody interseted?

Name: Edwin Ayieko
Home page: http://
e-mail: eayieko@gmail.com
Favourite model(s):

Name: Asiwaju Taiwo
Home page: http://
e-mail: myrootsinc@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): 9600P/9850P/BVU950.


Name: alf penn
Home page: http://www.tkone.co.uk
e-mail: alf.penn@tkone.co.uk
Favourite model(s): 9200

Hi everyone I am looking to buy late model BVU's and an ntsc player

Name: Frank Cavanaugh
Home page: http://
e-mail: FHCav@aol.com
Favourite model(s): Sony vp 7000

HELP my Sony VP 7000 swallowed a cassette and will not give it back. Keeps recycling. Is there a mechanical way to eject it?

Name: Carol Feeney
Home page: http://
e-mail: gabeandcarol@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): not sure never used one

My father recently passed away and left me a Umatic K60 video cassette. I have no idea whats on it and am really curious to find out. From what I have read online it seems I need to get ahold of a Sony VO5800 or VO5000 player. I would ideally like to convert to computer or dvd but have no idea how. Does anyone have any ideas where to find one of th

Name: R Charred
Home page: http://
e-mail: richpj@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): VO-9600

I just bought a used Sony VO-9600. It appears to be in good shape, but I'm not getting any signal from either video out ports, or the RF out port. I've tried using a BNC-Composite connection and a standard coaxial cable between the rf out and a tuner. Am i missing a step? Do i need some sort of amplifier? or does it sound like i have a bad unit? Th

Name: Manju Tojan
Home page: http://
e-mail: manju.tojan@gmail.com
Favourite model(s):

Name: Rob Goodyear
Home page: http://
e-mail: robgproduction@gmail.com
Favourite model(s):

Hi all, I'm looking for a Umatic SP machine (PAL) for sale in Australia

Name: wayne b
Home page: http://
Favourite model(s):

Name: richard walton
Home page: http://
e-mail: rwalton34@yahoo.co.uk
Favourite model(s):

Name: Keith Barnfather
Home page: http://
e-mail: keith@reeltimepictures.co.uk
Favourite model(s):

Hope to get some advice on capturing from Umatic into my Mac. Would really prefer to go via dub - but can't find anything to convert to SVHS. Any ideas out there?

Name: Stig L Molneryd
Home page: http://
e-mail: stig-lennart.molneryd@kb.se
Favourite model(s): Sony VO-9600

We use Sony VO-9600 it works well

Name: Paul Smyth
Home page: www.real2073.blogspot.com
e-mail: realconcept@hotmail.co.uk
Favourite model(s): sony VO-5850e umatic

Any one have any links to where I can but blank cassettes for my sony VO-5850e umatic UK North based

Name: Mark Leach
Home page: http://
e-mail: camcruiser@att.net
Favourite model(s): BVU-150P, VO-6800, VO-8800

U-matic is your best entertainment value. Cheers!

Name: Scot Fergie
Home page: http://
e-mail: scotwfergie@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s): 5630

NEED HELP! see lore page thanks.

Name: Tim Laur
Home page:
e-mail: flargh@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s): BVU-950

Always lurking here for maintenance tips. I have a bevvy that I keep going for work.

Name: Dick Wilson
Home page: http://ailyns-pond.com/
e-mail: dick@ailyns-pond.com
Favourite model(s): VO-5850 VO-9850 EVO-9850

I stock the three square rubber belts for the VO-5850. The kit has full instructions for their simple replacement.

Name: George Santulli
Home page: http://
e-mail: gsantull@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s):

I have some brand new U-matic tapes in original boxes. Free for the asking, but you pay shipping or pickup in Northern Virginia/Washington DC area

Name: Mark Day
Home page: http://
e-mail: mday96@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): Type II, Type V, TypeVII, BVU 200 and 800

I have most parts, Ring assy, pinch rollers, belts, tape guides, complete head drum aasy and upper head drums, manauls Service bulletins, hardware, knobs and most parts. would like to get rid of, I am in the process of moving. Lot of knowledge

Name: Harry Southall
Home page: http://www.cairnsmedia.com.au
e-mail: cairnsme@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): All Umatic Machines

URGENTLY looking for a Umatic 5030 in working order, or heads to suit.Machine preferably in Australia,given freight costs. Heads from anywhere in the world.

Name: Mark Mason
Home page: http://
e-mail: masonnn@ntlworld.com
Favourite model(s): Sony u matic sp vcr vo-9800

I find this model behaves very well in most situations,and has built up a good number of service users.A real credit to sony and the u-matic family as a whole since it's introduction in 1971.

Name: Richard Simmonds
Home page: http://
e-mail: rsimmonds1981@yahoo.co.uk
Favourite model(s): all or most

Recently brought a Sony VO-2860p first of many i have my eyes on :-)

Name: Spiros Robotis
Home page: http://
e-mail: spyr500@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s):

Just a question. Can a Betamax machine record on a U-matic tape? Thanks in advance and congrats for the site!!

Name: Richard Johnson
Home page: http://
e-mail: richard@rpcjohnson.com
Favourite model(s): VS-5800-PS

I have a Sony U-Matic Cassette Player VO 5800 PS. Help! Any advice welcome! I obtained it around 1983, but it has had only about 200 hours use. It worked fine until about a year ago. Now when I insert a cassette, only an inadequately small loop is drawn out. (I've tried several cassettes, including a new unused one). When the fast forward or

Name: Julio in Denver
Home page: http://www.spiritualspectrum.org
e-mail: juliosemail@comcast.net
Favourite model(s): VO-5600

I have 2 VO-5600, one still working well, the other I need the manual to figure out if the servo is going. They want $50+ for manuals on E-bay, which is way too much. You can get another Umatic deck for that much. 10/8/11

Name: Guimbadriver Driver
Home page: http://
e-mail: leonardo-ferraz@bol.com.br
Favourite model(s): VO 6800 and VO 7600PM

The VO 6800 is the best of portables machine, good quality recording and playback in editing i use 3 VO7600PM this modular deck has a good picture and colour quality

Name: Andreas Voigt
Home page: http://www.vm-video.com
e-mail: andreas@muline.de
Favourite model(s): Sony BVU200, Panasonic NV-9240

See examples from old restored U-Matic videos on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_MTY4yaIC8E

Home page: http://
e-mail: g7nmaden@btinternet.com


Name: Robert Perlstein
Home page: http://
e-mail: rjperls@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): VO-8800 VO-9800 VO-9850

Cameras: Sony DXC-M7 A-B roll plus editing cont for under $500! WOO HOO!

Name: fabio anaclerio
Home page: http://www.super8owl.blogspot.com
e-mail: anaclerio.fabio@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): sony dxc-m3a with sony vo-6800

i love tub cameras ad all of it's accessory

Name: Gene Hobson
Home page: http://dogstaraudio.com
e-mail: geneh@dogstaraudio.com
Favourite model(s):

I have a Sony 800 PAL U-Matic machine for sale if anyone is interested. Tried the chat page link, but cannot get there.

Name: Peter Duke
Home page: http://www.dukevideo.com/
e-mail: pduke@dukevideo.com
Favourite model(s): 5850

We use a number of Umatic low and high-band machines to transfer motorsport archive to digital and for playing source material into documentary edits.

Name: Roy Watret
Home page:
e-mail: jomo7487@googlemail.com
Favourite model(s): All

I have a Sony VO5800PS for sale in good working condition or it was when I last used it to transfer some archive footage which it did brilliantly unfortunately I have no tapes now but it powers on OK, and should still work OK also it's in excellent condition with only minor rack marks. Anyone interested drop me a E mail.

Name: Chris Margrave-Gregory
Home page: http://
e-mail: chris@thameside.tv
Favourite model(s):

Hi I'm actually looking this time for a 2 machine that will playback PAL M I believe the machine is a RCA TR600 or a RCA TR70. If you can help, please let me know. Kind Regards Chris

Name: Neil Thain
Home page: http://
e-mail: nrtavs@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): 5850

One onlky - and in need of some TLC!

Name: jose ramon sanz santacruz
Home page:
e-mail: jrsanz43@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s): CR-4900E

Trato de recuperarlo para digitalizar antiguas cintas U-matic Pals

Name: Howard Rose
Home page: http://www.tnpbroadcast.co.uk
e-mail: howard@tnpbroadcast.co.uk
Favourite model(s): BVU-870P

require VO-9600P or VP-9000P

Name: Dion Edwards
Home page: http://www.dvdconversions.co.nz
e-mail: dion@dvdconversions.co.nz
Favourite model(s): 5 and 7 Series

Bullet proof! Still converting the odd tape over for clients. Every time I power them up I'm amazed at their performance. Can't beat a old Sony Deck.

Name: Pablo Muskat
Home page: http://
e-mail: MUSKATM@aol.com
Favourite model(s): Panasonic NV 9500

Who is interested in purchasing the above equipmentplus many new Maxel tapes?

Name: Mohsen Sohrabi
Home page: http://
e-mail: sohrabik@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): vo-8800p

Can I play back low band tape with vo-8800p?

Name: Sandra L Claude
Home page: http://alterantechnologis.com
e-mail: sandy@bcs.tv
Favourite model(s): Sony BVU-820 & Sony BVU-850

These are great machines and are currently being used in our Lab, I am currently looking to add additional units, NTSC & Pal

Name: Owana Tony
Home page: http://
e-mail: owanatone@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): sony vo9850P

I apologise for having joined this forum late!

Name: Rui Luis
Home page: http://www.ideiasnoescuro.com
e-mail: ideiasnoescuro@gmail.com
Favourite model(s):

I work with U-matic everyday, and i love it!

Name: Rui Pedro Luis
Home page: http://www.ideiasnoescuro.com
e-mail: ideiasnoescuro@gmail.com
Favourite model(s):

i have 4 Umatic videos, and know iam having a problem with one that dont play any color, all in black and white, did you know what could be the problem? Many thanks

Name: chelsea bebb
Home page: http://
e-mail: heritage_productions@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s):

I have a sony vo -5630, when I record on it I have to have the audio ch1 and 2 up full and it still records crackly or low is there a way to rectify this, any help would be great.

Home page: http://
Favourite model(s): VO 9850


Name: Juha Jauhiainen
Home page: http://www.digiommel.fi/
e-mail: info@digiommel.fi
Favourite model(s): Sony VO-9800P

http://www.digiommel.fi/Optimizing%20Digital%20Transfer%20of%20U-matic%20Video%20Recordings.pdf more on our website.

Name: Herman Verschelden
Home page: http://
e-mail: viditv@live.be
Favourite model(s): Sony vo-5630 vo8500 vo 8550

U-Matic is back cool!!!

Name: Charles Edwards
Home page: http://
e-mail: charger789@bigpond.com
Favourite model(s): sony BVU950P SP

Any body know where I can buy a new sony BVU950P Pinch roller. Charles charger789@bigpond.com

Name: Wayne Rowles
Home page: http://broadcastav.com.au
e-mail: wayne@broadcastav.com.au
Favourite model(s): NV-9200 Panasonic

Name: William H. Gerhauser
Home page: http://Google
e-mail: whgerhauser@yahoo.co.uk
Favourite model(s): V01810/V018100

Name: William H. Gerhauser
Home page: http://Google
e-mail: whgerhauser@yahoo.co.uk
Favourite model(s): V01810/V01810UK & CMV 13208 receiver/monitor

It is as brand new I have a lot of tapes ITwas really good in those days my pal in NY recored and sent hose to me in the Uk and I sent them to my pal in Spain who returned them to NY. The same happened when I recorded UK programmes, they made the same trip to Spain on to NY and back to the Uk . Iwas a lot of fun and enjoyment

Name: Sandy Claude
Home page: http://www.broadcaststore.com
e-mail: sandy@bcs.tv
Favourite model(s): Sony BVU-950 P

I am looking for 1-2 Sony BVU-950 Pal with TBC, let me know if you have any, Regards, Sandy

Name: Eclesio Filho
Home page: http://receitasveganas.net.br
e-mail: seovegan@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): all

Thank you for all the information

Name: Ecma Seguros
Home page: http://segurodeautomoveis.online
e-mail: ecmaseguros@yahoo.com.br
Favourite model(s): All

Tank you for all

Name: fadhle matrook
Home page: http://
e-mail: imatrook@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s): vo-2630

its good vcr all in metal and easy service tech

Name: David Anthony
Home page: http://
e-mail: xd_anthony@yahoo.co.uk
Favourite model(s): VO-2860P

I have not used it for more than 20 years. I cleaned it up and got it working up to the point when the pinch roller locks on to the tape in the play mode. Soon as it starts it gets cut off and the standby lamp comes on. Help! I cannot solve the problem.

Name: Craig Lenti
Home page: http://
e-mail: cjlenti@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): BVU-950

Was looking for any EPK's (Electronic Press kits) that anyone might have on Betacam or U-matic. Anyone have any?

Name: Steve Mudd
Home page: http://
e-mail: smuddymudd@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): VP5030

Got three of these and after 15 years in a garage I'm amazed they actually switch on. Hard core machines, I'm hoping to find some new belt kits and get up and running. Anyone know somewhere in the UK to obtain parts please contact me.

Name: Rajesh Lomate
Home page: http://
e-mail: rajeshlomte@gmail.com
Favourite model(s):

I want convert my film Low Band U-matic to Digital format any where in India Mumbai

Name: Will Ward
Home page: http://
e-mail: heehaaw@yahoo.com
Favourite model(s): VO5850P, VP9000P

Still using them for archive transfer, finding parts extremely difficult to locate this could mean the death of the beasts.

Name: Mark Mason
Home page: http://
e-mail: masonnn@ntlworld.com
Favourite model(s): Sony VO-9800P

Fantastic composite format, though i'm more in favour of the 330 Lines of horizontal resolution offered by the SP (superior performance) system.I make video's on a NLE system on my computer, and the SONY VO-9800P is more than happy to record from this. So umatic is still a cheap alternative for schools and colleges as well as students and budget cor

Name: Bill Lothian
Home page: http://
e-mail: w.lothian@blueyonder.co.uk
Favourite model(s): Sony

Looking for spare parts or someone who could advise why the tape drawer will not open on a 2031 Sony U-Matic

Name: Bill Lothian
Home page: http://
e-mail: w.lothian@blueyonder.co.uk
Favourite model(s): Sony 5850

Does anyone know of any engineer / enthusiast who could get this up and running for me?

Name: Rowan Truman
Home page:
e-mail: Rowan.au@mail.ru
Favourite model(s): VO-5630

Acquired a U-Matic VO-5630 as payment for doing a computer repair job for someone. Absolutely love it!

Name: den ayu
Home page: http://www.carabikinbesar.com
e-mail: juariolshop@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): ALL


Name: areta medan
Home page: https://www.aretarentcarmedan.com
e-mail: areta2618@gmail.com
Favourite model(s):

Name: Raj Mohan
Home page: http://telugustatus.in/
e-mail: mediworl9@gmail.com
Favourite model(s):

Hello there. I found your web site by the use of Google at the same time as searching for a comparable subject, your site came up. It seems great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

Name: Oscar Garbisu
Home page: http://None
e-mail: ogarbisu48@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): None

I have 6000 umatic tapes and a room with 12 player,recorders, TBC, etc. All NTSC, and all this in a remote country in latin-america -venezuela-, and I look for refurnish this equipments. Also interested in buying the cutting blades for an American Also interested in buying the cutting blades for an American equipment that cleans the top layer of th

Name: Cheryl Foulsham
Home page: http://www.oxfordduplicationcentre.com/umatic_digitising_services_oxfordshire_uk.html
e-mail: cheryl@oxfordduplicationcentre.com
Favourite model(s): VP-5800

Name: Stevan Zivanovic
Home page: http://
e-mail: stefziva@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): Sony VO5850P, Sony VP5030, JVC CR-4700E

Hi all, I have 2 of the VO5850P models with a RM-440 controller. one of the machines will not load: it takes in the tape and when it loads the tape onto the drum it keeps on clicking and wont fully load. My other machine plays but only in black and white and and the picture quality is a bit poor. I am trying to get at least one of them working. I a

Name: Terence Wolfe
Home page: http://
e-mail: terrywolfe@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s): VTR BVU 8800

Looking to rent or have 3/4 inch tapes digitized. Call Terry in Vancouver at 604 241 7393 or email

Name: Chris Margrave-Gregory
Home page: http://
e-mail: chris@thameside.tv
Favourite model(s):

Looking to buy 4x VO9800P U-Matic machines

Name: John Doggett-Williams
Home page: http://fineeyeproductions
e-mail: Info@fineeyeproductions.com
Favourite model(s): u-matic and bvu

Hi from Melbourne, I have a garage full full of PAL u matic and bvu tapes I want to digitise. I've had several machines, all of which were guaranteed to work, but rarely got past the treading stage. Is there anyone in Melbourne that still repairs these machines?

Name: Stuart Blint
Home page: http://
e-mail: stuart.blint@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): VO-5850P

I have 2 units a 5850P and a 5850PS available to buy. Contact me if your interested, individually €250 each or both units €400

Name: Stuart Blint
Home page: http://
e-mail: stuart.blint@gmail.com
Favourite model(s): VO-5850P

I have 2 units a 5850P and a 5850PS available to buy. Contact me if your interested, individually €250 each or both units €400

Name: Luca Del Gaudio
Home page: http://
e-mail: l.delgaudio@rai.it
Favourite model(s): Umatic - BVW75P - mswa2000p

Name: kushal1 pan
Home page: https://officebazzar.co.in/
e-mail: chandru.dezineguru@gmail.com
Favourite model(s):

We are a leading office stationery supplier in Chennai. We sell all types of office stationery wholesalers and you will find a variety of choices for Affordable office stationery material suppliers and wholesale suppliers in Chennai.

Name: Horacio Menis
Home page: http://editeltelevision,com.ar
e-mail: editeltv@hotmail.com
Favourite model(s): U Matic

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