![]() Rear view
Fault and repair guideNo reel rotationThis is a very common problem which can have several causes. The first thing which fails is usually the reel idler assembly. Replacement units are readily available and can be fitted easily after removal of the cassette carriage. Before replacement check for a broken reel motor belt. This is a small belt which transfers drive to the idler. Finally, the last thing to suspect is the reel motor. Sanyo produced a modification to improve drive to this motor. This involved decreasing the value of the in-series resistor in the motor power supply (replacing a 3.3Ω with a 2.2Ω). However, it is not uncommon for the motor itself to fail in which case it needs to be replaced.No tuner inputThis is usually caused by failure of the RF combiner / splitter unit. Unfortunately it is not easy to repair this unit.Timer and/or standby LED fail to illuminateThis is caused by dry joints where the LED are soldered onto the front PCB. In order to gain access to the PCB you'll need to remove the front panel and the servo board on the LHS of the deck.Loss of servo lock in recordRecordings can suffer from a loss of drum lock which produces a picture roll and usually occurs between sudden bright/dark transitions. It is caused by problems with the sync separator in the servo circuits, usually due to dried out electrolytic capacitors.System Control BugThe machine had a strange bug in the system control software. Whenever an error occurred with the tape transport the VCR would lace up and shutdown. This is exactly the opposite of what you would expect and made sure that it was not possible to remove the cassette without damaging the tape. This 'feature' was not present in the later VTC-5150 model. |
![]() AM / PM clock modification |
12 Hour Clock Display ModOn the clock PCB there is a position for 12H or 24H clock. Usually they are 24H, but fit a 1N4148 diode in this position (note polarity as per PCB marking) and you get 12H clock with AM/PM illuminated in the display.Further InformationFor further information on general servicing on this model, take a look at Colin McCormick's excellent guide on How to service a Sanyo Beta.Colin is also able to supply a service kit for this model. |
Quick fault guide
Please click on the button if you are able to contribute a solution to this list or would like to add to, or update PALsite's information on this model. Please note, questions will be removed.If you have a question about this model, please raise it on the chatpage.
Fault | Solution |
No function or power LED's working. 9 Volt supply dead on SY2 | Print broken next to pin 19 (S3004) on servo board SY1. Jumper wire fitted to bridge gap. |
Fluttering noise in playback | VR10 adjusted till stable reproduction on SV-1 Servo board. Some electrolytic capacitors on that board may need to be replaced. |
Clock resets to 88:88 (and blinks) when switching the VCR to ON position | Replace the C5207 16v 100uF capacitor located on the large PSU board. |
Machine won't rewind/fast forward and cuts out after a few seconds | Replace the reel idler belts and tires. |
Tape will not lace up fully then stops and unlaces | Remove idler and base plate give a good clean remove both reels clean main shafts light oil plus bearings |
Unstable color with horizontal lines on playback | Replace 2200uF 35V capacitor in the small power supply board. |
Bad picture on video output terminal, good picture on RF output | Replace capacitor C1080 on the VD-1 board. Also applies for the VTC 5150 and VTC 5550. |
The tape wil load the tape but not unload. Tape jam follows | There is not enough motor torque to pull the tape back to the cassette. The motor needs lubricating. Perform a mechanical maintenance of the right take up and surrounding parts. Add a small drop of precision oil to the bearing area of the main reel motor. Access the bottom part of the machine, locate the motor. Unscrew its bottom "cap". You will see the bottom bearing. It is very important to add 1-2 drops of precision oil here and a to be on a safe side, also a little bit of precision, thin grease (G 1/3 by Orelube for example). This procedure will save most motors. |
Detailed YouTube video on servicing Sanyo video recorders | |
black zig zag lines on screen when playing a tape. Also some bad recordings | The head control box at the top left hand of the beta. This has a earth clip with black wire that hold it into place and earth the box. Your box will most likely be rusty or dull grey. The earth has bad connection. Remove the box and very carefully remove cover that sits at the back of the beta. Then solder a wire to the PCB at the terminals that connect PCB to the outside case. Now bring this wire outside box, and refit back cover. Refit box and solder the new wire to the black one that you removed from clamp. now you are done. it has fixed 6 of these for me and friends!! |
Take-up not working | Check reel motor for dead spot or IC3006. |
Mains fuse blown | Check regulator IC5101 and mains filter capacitor 0.0047μF. Also check fuse is anti-surge type. |
Poor capstan servo lock on own recordings | Add 390 Ohm resistor across R4515. |
Intermittently stopping in record or playback | If this is not due to faulty reel motor/take-up, then check output of reel sensor optocoupler for 6 volt peak to peak. If it's significantly lower then clean or replace the optocoupler. |
Tape looping during unlacing | If the reel drive is ok, then change R3049 to a value of 1R0. |
Vertical red and green stripes on the pictures | Replace VC1 trimmer capacitor on the video board with one of a 50pf value. |
Intermittently pauses itself when playing cassette, counter works fine | symptoms continued... and plays fine with no cassette but counter intermittently not counting. Solution: C5204 on PSU needs checking. Found one example to be low in value, ESR high at 12Ohms and leaking electrolyte on the board. |
Very bad tuner input with distorted picture and hum in the sound (VTC 5550) | "ALWAYS +33V" (tuning voltage) rail low at 26V in the power supply. Confirmed fault by swapping the power supply unit with one from a VTC 5000. Will update the post once the faulty component(s) has/have been found and the original power supply is repaired successfully. |
Tuner supply voltage fault update (see above) | C5203 (100uF 100V) was the culprit. It had physically leaked and upon desoldering it the positive lead fell off due to it being corroded. Replacing that single capacitor fixed the problem. This applies to both the VTC 5000 and 5550 (Middle Eastern PAL/SECAM version). |