Sony 1983
Betamax SL-T50

beta vcr logo


SL-T50 sticker
Top sticker, tuner controls

SL-T50 front flap
Front flap

SL-T50 2 tuner color 5 system
2 tuner / 5 color system

The SL-T50ME was intended for the middle eastern market but many found there way in to the UK because this video made the ideal multi-standard Betamax machine.

The VCR could play and record in PAL, NTSC (both 4.43 and 3.58) and SECAM 1/2. It was a very slim unit and was produced in many colours such as black, silver and gold! With illuminated functions switches it could have a very bright appearance. On the NTSC side, only speeds Beta II and III were available. The high speed Beta I mode was not included.

It came with a full multi-standard tuner enabling reception of both the VHF and UHF bands with all sound carriers. It also had an "auto volt" power supply to cater for different voltages.